March 1, 2000

Spell Waterloo Without Dubya

It is very clear how the presidential election will be conducted. In 1988, Lee Atwater masterminded Republican George Bush's successful run against Democrat Michael Dukakis. Atwater formulated the series of attack ads that year. Willie Horton, Boston Harbor and ACLU convinced most voters to vote for George Bush.

This year, after Senator John McCain won the New Hampshire primary by such a convincing majority over George W. Bush, the son of the former President, there was a series of attacks by Bush and his supporters against Senator McCain. These attacks pictured McCain as a man who did not support veterans, who was not a true reformer and was not a true conservative with right to life views. George W. Bush made use of the head of a veteran's group and Rev. Pat Robertson, the head of the right wing Christian coalition. Maureen Dowd, a columnist with the New York Times, revealed that George W. made a $500,000 donation to the Lee Atwater Chair at Bob Jones University which has strong anti-Catholic positions.

Gov. Bush used all of these groups because South Carolina was his most important primary election. If he lost it, after the defeat in New Hampshire and the subsequent loss of Michigan, South Carolina could have been his Waterloo. Thus, this attack against John McCain's credibility was all important. The attacks worked and Gov. Bush blunted McCain's victory streak which ultimately led to Bush's successful campaign for the Republican nomination for president this year.

George W, a true chip off the old block, used the same tactics used by the late Lee Atwater which won the presidency for his father in 1988. Now, George W is going to do to Vice President Al Gore as he did to Senator McCain and his father did to Gov. Dukakis, to wit: falsify records so that no one can recognize the credible record of service rendered by political opponents of the Bush family.

Remember, the credible impartial media pointed out the low tactics used by George W to achieve victory in South Carolina. The Democratic Party, its Senators and Representatives in the House must all come out and counteract the false attacks on Vice President Al Gore, before he, too, becomes a victim of the Bush family.