June 1, 2000

Kind, Gentle Rick Lazio

A day after NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani bowed out of the race for U.S. Senator from New York because of health problems, Congressman Rick Lazio made a speech in which he announced that he would run against the Democratic candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton. In the speech, he blamed the Democrats for ruining the State during the 80's and he derided the Democrats record countrywide during the 20th century.

Hugh Carey was Governor of New York from 1980-1982 and Mario Cuomo was Governor the rest of the decade. Ronald Reagan and George Bush were Presidents during 1981-1993. During this period, the Republicans had more control over the Senate and House since the 50's. Additionally, they had crucial support from 30-40 Southern Democrats (the Boll Weevils) that enabled the Republicans to enact more and more conservative legislation. During the eighties Republicans in Congress made sure that job shifts countrywide favored the South and West at the expense of the Northeast… especially New York. Thus Rick Lazio is dead wrong in criticizing the great record of Democrats Carey and especially Mario Cuomo.

As for the Democratic record, it is ludicrous to ignore the fact that in the first third of the 20th century, the Republicans were in complete control of the government. During that period, the Republicans were responsible for the world's worst depression. Additionally, their isolationist philosophy killed the League of Nations, an idea sponsored by Woodrow Wilson the lone Democratic President from 1897 to 1933. The Republican economy and isolationist policy helped facilitate the rise to power of the Nazi Adolph Hitler in 1933.

The liberal Democratic record the rest of the century (1933-2000) is so good that Rick Lazio's party constantly says they want to preserve Social Security and Medicare, both of which are outstanding examples of liberal Democratic achievements put into effect over conservative Republican opposition.

I call upon the leaders of the Democratic Party in New York and the country to aggressively repute the charges of Rick Lazio, the Republican candidate hoping to succeed the great Democratic Liberal Senator from New York these past 24 years - Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

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