December 1, 1999

The Greater of Two Goods

The Democratic Party is indeed fortunate to have two excellent candidates, Vice-President Al Gore and former Senator Bill Bradley for the next president of the United States. Having said that, and in view that there can only be one candidate for the party, I have decided to vote for Vice-President Gore in the New York State Primary.

I do so because Al Gore is, in my opinion, the best trained Vice-President to run for President. President Clinton has given him many opportunities to show the leadership skills necessary to assume the presidency.

The election of 2000 is a crucial one. The differences between the parties are clear and wide. The Republican frontrunner for his party's nomination is Governor George W. Bush of Texas. He has put Ralph Reed, formerly the leader of the Christian Coalition, in a key position in his campaign. This appointment shows the country just how conservative Gov. Bush really is.

Significantly, since the next President will probably appoint 2-3 new Supreme Court Justices, Reed's influence is crucial in issues as a woman's right to choose. With Reed's input, the Roe v. Wade decision guaranteeing a woman's right to choose could be overturned. This is why a Democrat must occupy the White House when we enter the new millennium.

Though both Gore and Bradley are in agreement on women's rights, I firmly believe that Al Gore is most prepared to be President and the most electable. However, whoever is the victor in the primaries, the Democratic Party must be totally united in November, 2000 to make sure that we retain control of the Presidency.

1 comment:

  1. Hey. This is Mike. For what it's worth, I went with Bradley. You know who looks excellent this year? Alan Greyson. He's definitely carrying the progressive integrity torch. As for Bill, I heard he's doing investment banking now. The less I know about that the better, thank you.


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