January 1, 2000

It's the Constitution, Stupid

Senator Orrin Hatch, one of six conservative Republicans seeking his party's nomination for President was recently interviewed on Public Television (Channel 13 in the New York area). In it he said that he is worried about the possibility that Liberal Democrats, such as Vice-President Al Gore or former Senator Bill Bradley would make the Supreme Court more liberal than it is now. He said that the next President would appoint three new Supreme Court justices, or possibly five. Senator Hatch emphasized that this should be a major issue in the 2000 presidential campaign.

I believe that control of the Supreme Court is a major issue. But, unlike Senator Hatch, my fear is that a conservative Republican elected in 2000, with a Republican Senate (that is now controlled by the Republicans, 55-45) insures that the Supreme Court would become more conservative than it is now. There would be no doubt that other judges like Rehnquist, Scalia and Thomas will be appointed and approved in the Senate.

The Democratic presidential candidates and the Democratic Party must emphasize the crucial difference between the philosophies of the two parties. Too much is at stake to avoid citing this as a major issue in the national elections in 2000. Can you imagine how many longstanding cases will be overturned by such a conservative court?

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